Building Industry Association of San Diego

Building homes and communities for everyone

The Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego exists to represent the many companies that plan, design and build the many places where San Diegans live, work and play.


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We Are BIA San Diego

Building Better

The magazine of the Building Industry association of San Diego

2024 Fee Survey

An Overview of residential and commercial/ industrial fees charged by cities & counties within the san Diego region

Industry Opportunities

Build Your Future In Construction


Post Industry Related Jobs

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Become a BIA member, and help shape the future of the building industry throughout San Diego County.

Join our emailing list

Sign up to join BIA San Diego’s emailing list to receive email communications about events, membership, councils and committees, and legislative news. 

Upcoming Events

As the BIA works towards building a community with homes and apartments San Diegans can afford, it takes positions on candidates, policies and issues. 

Contact us

Do you have a question or comment about the BIA? We'd love to hear from you.
Building Industry Associationof San Diego County

9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 110

San Diego, CA 92123


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