This is an ideal council for anyone in the industry under 35 years old. Professional growth and ability to network with others who will be in leadership roles at the same time in the future is a big appeal for joining. Your separate y|GEN membership dues include access to a mentorship program, skills seminars, building tours, and council-specific social networking events.
Staff Contact:

Who we are
The Young Generation of Leaders Council was established in 2008 when y|GEN founders recognized a void in the Building Industry Association. From this void, they found a way to provide opportunities for development of its future industry leaders through the creation of this council. Y|GEN originated as a group of young professionals looking to make a difference in the San Diego Building Industry. Through education, networking, and leadership y|GEN has advocated for their generations’ wants and needs in land development. Housing in San Diego is woefully undersupplied, but by new and different obstacles than what our members faced 5 to 10 years ago. Today’s challenges include a lack of supply of housing and a need for revitalization of existing development that has fulfilled its lifecycle. Working with these challenges, y|GEN’s members find friendships and lifelong industry resources to help grow and foster housing development and become industry leaders, together.
What we do
The Building Industry Association’s y|GEN council is an organization focused on empowering the young generation of future leaders to make meaningful connections and to work together to create a more sustainable housing future. The goal of y|GEN is to provide young professionals with the support and resources they need to stay informed on industry policies, foster meaningful relationships, and promote the benefits of y|GEN and the BIA to the greater of the industry.
2025 y|GEN BOARD
Increase your engagement with y|GEN and make-the-leap to the next level by serving on a y|GEN committee today! We want to involve new people, encourage innovative ideas, and hear the views of our members. If you would be interested in adding your time, talents and expertise to one of the standing committees of y|GEN, please ask about joining one of these committees:
Membership & Networking
Membership & Networking are an integral part of the y|GEN council. This committee aids in facilitating connections with other industry professionals and its y|GEN members to create business and lifelong relationships to further progress its members in the future.
Education & Events
The foundation of y|GEN is to provide educational opportunities to its members to further personal and professional growth in the industry. This committee coordinates the y|GEN educational events throughout the year to further encourage knowledge and growth.
y|GEN’s Advocacy committee plays a key role in helping community stakeholders and government officials understand young leader’s future real estate needs. This committee differentiates y|GEN from other industry groups with how influential the advocacy component is to its members and the overall role it plays in the building industry.
Since y|GEN’s inception, the Mentor Program has and will continue to be integral to the development of its members. The Mentorship Program’s goal is to provide guidance to y|GEN members seeking to grow personally and develop professionally.
Diversity & Inclusion
y|GEN strives to cultivate a diverse and inclusive group of young leaders that is representative of the multi-faceted nature of the BIA. This committee should be reflective of the diversity present in the San Diego Building Industry regardless of race, gender, and profession.
Student membership
Looking to quickly build a strong and successful career? BIA San Diego’s y|GEN council is the professional group for you! This esteemed organization of young professionals gives members the tools to build a network of contacts for business development and career opportunities. Take part in industry specific and professional advancement seminars, learn in the field with exclusive building tours, and get up close and personal with seasoned industry veterans through a oneof-a-kind mentorship program.
FREE memberships for local students
Any current college student in the San Diego area is welcome to join our y|GEN group and attend all y|GEN events at no cost. This will also allow you to participate in the mentorship program and be paired with a seasoned industry professional.
- Mentorship Program with leaders in the building industry
- Networking Mixers and Happy Hours
- Educational “Lunch & Learn” and “Drink & Think” events
Mentor Program
Take your next step in the industry and sign up for our Mentor Program! The y|GEN Mentor Program fosters professional growth by targeting the individual needs of mentees to develop their careers to the fullest potential. Our program gives young leaders in our industry the opportunity to be paired with and learn from a seasoned industry professional.
Questions? Please contact:
- Learn directly from a seasoned industry professional (Mentor).
- Gain knowledge, guidance, and support from a network of industry leaders.
- Participate in roundtable discussions with a select group of mentors and mentees that share your career goals.
The Building Industry Association’s y|GEN is an organization focused on fostering the professional growth and enhancing the cohesiveness of the young professionals in the San Diego home building industry, with the goal of encouraging its members to become active and remain engaged in the BIA, and its leadership opportunities throughout their careers.
- Building Tours
- Educational Drink & Thinks + Lunch & Learns
- Exclusive access to our Mentorship Program
- Networking Happy Hours