BIA San Diego’s President’s Message 2023

It’s 2023. Are we ready? There is a lot to contemplate for our industry. Rising interest rates, policy makers that believe subsidized housing is better than market rate, and increasing difficulty finding the workforce necessary to be successful. How will our Association work on these issues?

First, we will update our Strategic Plan. What is our focus going forward, how will we be successful in this current environment, how will we house the families already in San Diego looking to establish their own household?

Secondly, the Housing Finance Committee will start work on the question of economic impacts to new development. While traditionally we work on policy questions, this committee will take a different look by assessing economic impacts and make recommendations we can take on as an association. For example, what will banks finance and how can we broaden their reach?

A strong communications plan is coming to fruition. We will communicate WHEN we are testifying, WHAT we are saying, and HOW our members can participate. We will support our members with up to date information on policies and activities of our organization. We will know one another and be able to support one another to accomplish our common goals.

More than ever, our Association is critical as we maneuver the regulatory environment we face today. Our voice will continue to celebrate building homes for families. We are the Housing Heroes. Everyone wants a safe, affordable place to live. We all take tremendous pride when we are successful in achieving that right place to live, whether it is renting or owning. That won’t happen unless we raise our voices together, ALL our voices; the trades, the builders, the associates, those new to the industry and those that have been through many cycles. We are all in it together. 2023 is here. We have plenty of work to do.

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Building Industry Association of San Diego County
9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 110
San Diego, CA 92123

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