BIA Cares Donates $24,000 to Urban Street Angels to Help End Youth Homelessness in San Diego

I have always felt enormous gratitude for the impact that BIA Cares has had in supporting our fight to end youth homelessness on the streets of our community. At the 2022 Installation Dinner special guest Sam the Cooking Guy, generously auctioned off two dinners, prepared by the chef extraordinaire himself, and raised $24,000 for Urban Street Angels in the process! Needless to say, all of us at Urban Street Angels have profound appreciation for the BIA family for the continued support of our mission to end youth homelessness.

We so appreciate the support as this will allow us to get more youth off the streets by providing employment, job and life skills training and of course all the basic needs our youth have leaving the streets behind for good. We couldn’t do it without you! Every night, over 1,000 youth sleep on San Diego streets. Our mission is to assist youth in finding a sustainable path where they never have to return to the streets again. BIA Cares has been a stalwart supporter of our mission since 2017 when we had less than 20 beds available for homeless youth – today, we have over 150 beds and we continue to expand our scale, scope of services, and impact every year. As a direct result of this partnership, Urban Street Angels is able to save more youth, and this year, we aim to grow our capacity to 200 beds.

Please check out our website at and learn more about how you can get involved in our effort! Thank you once again to BIA and BIA Cares, for investing in the lives of homeless youth who are so desperately in need of the hope and belief that they CAN DO IT!

Eric Lovett
Founder and President/ CEO
Urban Street Angels, Inc.
[email protected]


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Building Industry Association of San Diego County

9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 110

San Diego, CA 92123


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