Submit a photo or album

You can upload a single photo, or a Zip file containing an album of photos.

How to submit photos:

We are looking for a variety of images that tell the story of the BIA, including:

  • Action photos of builders and contractors at work.
  • Interesting photos of tools, equipment and materials used by the trades.
  • Photos of buildings under construction.
  • Photos of BIA-sponsored events.
  • Photos that illustrate the mission of each Council/Committee.

Make sure that you have permission to use the photo from the owner and subjects.

Before uploading your photos, please:

  • Ensure that they are high resolution (at least 1200 pixels wide).
  • Save them in JPG format, with minimal compression.
  • Organize groups of photos into folders, and compress them into a single Zip file. 

Give your photo or album a title. This title is only used for our reference, and won’t be displayed directly on the website.

Add any additional notes or information about the photos here. This description is for our reference and won’t appear directly on the site.

If this photo or album is associated with a specific BIA Council or Committee, select it here. Otherwise leave the default “BIA – General” category.

Choose the photo or Zip file from your local device. There is a 256MB size limit.

If you receive an error when uploading a large Zip file, try dividing the contents into multiple smaller files.

Contact us

Do you have a question or comment about the BIA? We'd love to hear from you.
Building Industry Associationof San Diego County

9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 110

San Diego, CA 92123


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